順天堂大学画像診断・治療学 医局ブログ

順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 画像診断・治療学の医局公式ブログです。

International RFA training program 6th day (Farewell party!!)

Today we finished our 6th day. Dr. Cheng and Dr. Chen from Taiwan will leave Japan tomorrow, so we organized a small farewell party at our office and handed the certificate to them.

Since every member stayed very close during the program, it seems that they all became good friends.

We still have training program tomorrow. It starts form 8:15!!


DSC02827Chang先生終了証授与 DSC02816Chan先生修了証授与 DSC02778医局Farewell party DSC02796会食途中 DSC02839清水先生スピーチ