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2日目報告:5th International IVO training program

5th International IVO training program 2日目の本日からRFAや新世代MWAのlive demonstrationsがスタートしました。今回は5日間で計12例のlive demonstrationsを予定しています(第1回は7日間で15例、第2回は3日間で6例、第3回は5日で12例のlive demonstrationsを実施しました)。

集合は朝8時15分、全員が順天堂のスクラブを着用して見学に臨みました。また1つの症例が終了するごとに控室へ移動して受講者と椎名教授とのディスカッションを行ないました。午前中に2例のRFAと1例の新世代MWAのlive demonstrationを実施しました。

午後は「RFA in Soon Chun Hyang University and Korea(by Prof. Kim Hong Soo)」および「Principles of Radiofrequency Ablation」の2つのlecturesがありました。


The live demonstrations of RFA and New-generation MWA started today, on the second day of the 5th international IVO training program. This time, 12 cases are planned to be performed during live demonstrations. (On the first training program 15 cases were performed in 7 days, on the 2nd training program 6 cases in 3 days, and on the 3rd 12 cases in 5 days)

Meeting at 8:15 in the morning, participants changed into hospital gowns before attending the observation session. After each case the participants and Prof Shiina returned to the waiting room to discuss the demonstration. Two cases of RFA and one case of new generation MWA were performed this morning.

At noon participants took part in the weekly conference of the department of Gastroentorology.

In the afternoon two lectures were given: “RFA in Soon Chun Hyang University and Korea”(by Prof. Kim Hong Soo) and ”Principles of Radiofrequency Ablation”

This 2nd day finished with the planning for the 3 cases scheduled for the next day.

