午前8時半より4例(RFA 1例、new-generation MWA 3例)のライブデモンストレーションを実施しました
文責 クロエ
Today, June 6th (Saturday), the 11th Domestic IVO Training Program finished.
The second and last day started at 8:30 am with a live demonstration of four cases: one case of RFA and three cases of new-generation MWA. After lunch, Dr. Teratani gave a lecture about IVO treatment of Metastasis Liver Cancer, and Dr. Amina Bolatkan (Ph.D student) gave a presentation on “EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines–Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma” in English.
Finally, difficult to resolve cases were examined before Dr. Shiina concluded this two-day IVO training program with a conferment ceremony.
Reporter: Chloe
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