順天堂大学画像診断・治療学 医局ブログ

順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 画像診断・治療学の医局公式ブログです。

Testimonial from Dr. Cornelia Peter

Vilnius UniversityのCornelia Peter 先生からTestimonialが送られてきましたのでそのまま掲載致します。


Thanks to Prof. Dr. Shiina and his team my Observership in Gastroenterological Imaging and Interventional Oncology Department became a unique experience.

Observing the different treatment approaches with RFA was amazing.
High quality care at its best. It was an honor for me to learn from his practical knowledge.

Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Shiina for sharing his knowledge, and to Dr. Sato and Dr. Kanagawa for  discussing cases.

Best regards,

Cornelia Peter