順天堂大学画像診断・治療学 医局ブログ

順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 画像診断・治療学の医局公式ブログです。

Testimonial from Dr. Sean Phua

3月18日から3月29日まで短期研修生として滞在したNational University of SingaporeのSean Phua先生からTestimonialが送られてきましたのでそのまま掲載致します。

Dear Prof. Shiina and Team,

I hope everyone is doing well 🙂

I would like to thank Professor Shiina and the Department of Gastroenterological Imaging and Interventional Oncology for a wonderful two-weeks Clinical observership experience! 

Being under the guidance of a mentor like Prof Shiina has been an incredible experience: as a leader in the field of oncological ablative therapy, he has not only revolutionalized, but continues to push the boundaries of skill and technology.

At the same time, he and his incredible group of doctors, nurses, technicians and sonographer are incredibly humble and warm – they are always so encouraging and try their best to guide me and answer my questions! I feel very lucky to have received their hospitality and friendship 🙂 

As an observer, I was not only privileged to learn about RFA and MWA in greater detail from Prof Shiina himself, but was also able to witness what it takes to make significant impact in one’s field from a man so dedicated to improving his craft for the benefit of patients. I believe this is also why he shares his knowledge so generously with local and international observers. 

I am also deeply appreciative for the exposure to endoscopic procedures and TACE that Prof Shiina scheduled for me. 

Once again, thank you Prof Shiina and the IVO team for a wonderful two weeks!

Sean Phua
National University of Singapore

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