ACTA 2016報告
・Shiina S. ACTA guideline, multicenter trial, education committee report. ACTA (Asian Conference on Tumor Ablation), Seoul, Korea, 2016/10/28
・Sato K, Shimizu R, Hayashi M, Taniki N, Kanazawa R, Ishii S, Hatanaka T, Sai JK, Watanabe S, Shiina S. Factors for Respiratory Depression and Severe Body Movement during Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation under Deep Sedation. ACTA (Asian Conference on Tumor Ablation), Seoul, Korea, 2016/10/29
・Shimizu R, Taniki N, Hayashi M, Kanazawa R, Sato K, Ishii S, Hatanaka T, Sai JK, Watanabe S, Shiina S. Efficacy and safety of dual oral therapy with DCV and ASV after curative RFA of HCV-related HCC. ACTA (Asian Conference on Tumor Ablation), Seoul, Korea, 2016/10/29
・Hatanaka T, Shimizu R, Hayashi M, Taniki N, Kanazawa R, Sato K, Ishii S, Sai JK, Watanabe S, Shiina S. Number of the tumors and maximum tumor diameter were the risk factors relevant to incomplete ablation at the first session of RFA: analysis of 403 HCC patients. ACTA (Asian Conference on Tumor Ablation), Seoul, Korea, 2016/10/28-29