順天堂大学画像診断・治療学 医局ブログ

順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 画像診断・治療学の医局公式ブログです。

トレーニングプログラムの申込締切が12月13日 に変更になりました:11th Ablation (RFA & MWA) Training Program 2025年1月21日(火)~25日(土)


トーニングプログラムの申込締切が 交渉により、12月13日 に延長になりました。

順天堂大学 消化器内科

11th International Ablation (RFA & MWA) Training Programを、2025年1月21日(火)~25日(土)の日程で開催いたします。







【Recommended participants】
Doctor who has experience in RFA or MWA as a main operator (this training program is designed for intermediate to advance experienced doctors).

【Number of available slots】
Approximately 18 doctors (Minimum number of participants: 5 doctors)

From January 21 (Tue) to 25(Sat), 2025

5 days session with lectures, live demonstrations and case studies.
If you would like to extend your stay after the 5 days, please contact us beforehand. We are ready to accept you.

Juntendo University (3-1-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8431, Japan)

【Participation Fee】
90,000 JPY in cash, to be paid onsite on the first day of the program.
Note: The costs for accommodation, flight tickets, transportation expenses, etc. are not included.

・履歴書(顔写真付き)   書式 : rirekisho
・所属上長からの推薦状(PDFでの送付が難しい場合はFAXでも可) 書式 : suisenjyo
・抗体検査4種(麻しん、風しん、水痘、流行性耳下腺炎)の血中抗体価 書式:抗体価記入表
基準:麻しんIgG 16以上(EIA)、風しんIgG 8以上(EIA)、水痘IgG 4以上(EIA)、流行性耳下腺炎IgG(-)//v

Note: Please see the following link for details:http://www.juntendo.ac.jp/english/juic/doc/immunization_record.pdf

【Application due date】
Kindly submit all requirements via email (ivo@juntendo.ac.jp) by December 24 (Tuesday), 2024.

Note: Please refer to the following link for more information about the application procedures:

http://www.juntendo.ac.jp/english/clinical observership.html

Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Oncology, Juntendo University 2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8421, Japan
TEL: +81-3-3813-3111 (Ext. 3382)
FAX: +81-3-5684-5960
e-mail: ivo@juntendo.ac.jp

【Training Program Schedule (There is a possibility of change in plan)】

Date Time Courses
1/21 (Tue) Afternoon Opening remarks + Course introduction, Pre-test, Lecture

Case presentation, Planning & Ultrasound examinations for the next-day live demonstration

Evening Welcome party
 1/22 (Wed) Morning Live demonstration of Ablation (RFA & MWA)
Lunch time Lunch + Case studies
Afternoon Lecture

Case presentation, Planning & Ultrasound examinations for the next-day live demonstration

 1/23 (Thu) Morning Live demonstration of Ablation (RFA & MWA)
Lunch time Lunch + Case studies
Afternoon Lecture

Case presentation, Planning & Ultrasound examinations for the next-day live demonstration

Image evaluation of cases treated with Ablation (RFA & MWA) on the previous day

 1/24 (Fri) Morning
Lunch time Lunch + Case studies
Afternoon Live demonstration of Ablation (RFA & MWA)

Case presentation, Planning & Ultrasound examinations for the next-day live demonstration

Image evaluation of cases treated with Ablation (RFA & MWA) on the previous day

Evening Sushi and Pizza party
 1/25 (Sat) Morning Live demonstration of Ablation (RFA & MWA)
Lunch time Lunch + Case studies
Afternoon Lecture, Post-test and correction

Conferment of certificates & Closing remarks

Evening Farewell party

<The contents of the lectures (There is a possibility of change in plan)>
・The current status of Ablation (RFA & MWA)
・Principles of  Ablation (RFA & MWA)
・Hands on: How to get good diagnostic imaging

・Fusion Technologies: Explanation and Demonstration
・Indications & Complications of Ablation (RFA & MWA)
・Artificial ascites, artificial pleural effusion and other techniques in Ablation

<Clinical case study>
・Presentation & Discussion of difficult to ablate cases from participants’ hospitals or Juntendo University

・Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Oncology, Juntendo University
TEL: +81-3-3813-3111
e-mail: ivo@juntendo.ac.jp