順天堂大学画像診断・治療学 医局ブログ

順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 画像診断・治療学の医局公式ブログです。

3rd International RFA training program has just finished

3rd international RFA training program from Oct. 11th to 15th finished

This training program was composed of lecture, live demonstration, and case study. In the live demonstration, participants asked us, “You picked up difficult cases, didn’t you?”  Our answer was “No.” We just showed our daily practice. The cases were almost consecutive ones which we found in the last week.  They were also surprised that we had such detailed planning and that we evaluated CT, MRI and US images so precisely by identify vessels and other structures. It should have been a tight schedule for them because they gathered at 8:15 am and kept going on it to the night.
This international RFA training program was beneficial not only for them, the participants, but also for us, the organizers, and we all could learn a lot in those five days.

(Click to enlarge image)

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