Expert Roadshow at First Affiliated Hospital of Su…
4月14日(日)から21日(日)まで中国に滞在しています。 15日は広州のFirst Affiliated Hospital of Sun-Yat-sen Universityで講演を行いました。 Sun Yat-sen Universityに到着すると、Prof. Xie、Dr. Lin、Dr.Zhuangが大学内を案内してくれました。Prof. Xieは …
Expert Roadshow and CCI(Chinese College of Interve…
4月14日(日)から21日(日)まで中国に滞在しています。 Greater China Expert Roadshow として広州ではFirst Affiliated Hospital of Sun-Yat-sen Universityで講演を行い、上海ではFudan University Tumor HospitalとFudan University Zh …
Testimonial from Dr. Sean Phua
3月18日から3月29日まで短期研修生として滞在したNational University of SingaporeのSean Phua先生からTestimonialが送られてきましたのでそのまま掲載致します。 Dear Prof. Shiina and Team, I hope everyone is doing well 🙂 I would like t …
Testimonial from Dr. Ngo Le Lam for the 6th IVO tr…
Let me tell my expression after 5 days training in your center. That was an excellent course that I’ve ever learned. I can observe many difficult cases with outstanding tech …
Testimonial from Dr. Chia-Hung WU for the 6th IVO …
The intense five-day course is crucial and educational. I personally learned a lot of the knowledge and techniques from Prof. Shiina and his team. The fifteen cases demonstrated in …
Testimonial from Dr. Sorta Berliana SIBUEA for the…
I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in this training. I learn a lot during the training. Many cases had been discussed. The cases are challenging, intricating a …
5日目報告:6th International IVO Training Programを無事終了し…
3月16日(土)、5日間にわたる6th international IVO training program を無事終了しました。 午前のlive demonstrationではMWAを3例に、RFAとMWAの併用治療を1例に実施しました。 ランチをとりながら谷木先生(慶應大学)が「Artificial ascites, artificial pleural …
Dr. Po Chun Chen’s feedback on the fourth ni…
Q1. What is your impression of the program so far? What is most impressed me in these days is the Team work. Prof. Shiina , like the conductor, organized the treatment as an orches …
Testimonial from Dr. Nutcha Pinjaroen for the 6th …
This course is full of advanced technologies and techniques of percutaneous ablation. Prof. Shiina and his team indeed show us the future direction of ablative therapies. I am so t …
Testimonial from Dr. Chyntia Olivia Maurine for th…
March, 16th, 2019: This is the last day of 6th IVO in RFA and MWA training. I have learnt many things from the training. I saw excellent teams, patient’s preparation, excellent tec …